Mark Saker
Certified Level 3 Advanced Personal Trainer

My Certifications

Certified Level 3 Advanced Personal Trainer

Simply put I'm a qualified fitness professional able to train individuals and groups safely and effectively constructing successful bespoke workout plans

Diet & Metabolism Specialist Diploma Holder

I am certified to provide individualized nutrition plans as well as those that seek to remedy damage done to the metabolism by their lifestyle and or because of previous diets they've undertaken.

Additionally I can also look to advise on plans that seek will re-address hormonal issues.

ISSA Specialist in Strength & Conditioning

Until recently, most people believed that power athletes are born and not made. That has changed. Modern training techniques can make anybody faster, stronger, and more powerful. Athletes at all levels - from grade school to the NFL - can sharpen their competitive edge with the help of an expert trainer. As an ISSA student working toward my certification in this area, I will soon be able to help you expand your body's capacity for challenging athletic feats while remaining strong and free from injury.

Certified Diet Specialist

The certification allows me to provide nutrition assistance covering health and fitness.

ISSA Certified Transformation Specialist

As a Transformation Specialist student I will soon be armed with the skills and techniques required to truly coach and influence behavioral patterns as they relate to your physical, mental and emotional well-being. You will see better results faster, and have an easier time with the transition to the behaviors and activities I suggest.

Sports Massage Diploma I.O

Allows me to treat or rehab injuries through sports massage or just help a client unwind and release built up tension / stress held in the muscle.

Biolayne - Client Transformation Transformation Nutrition - Levels 1 & 2

Biolayne Nutrition Certification created Dr Layne Norton, the world’s leading, evidence-based nutritionist.

Spread across two levels, this course is suitable for personal trainers, medical professionals, nutritionists  who want to improve their body composition, health and performance or that of their clients.

The PNC Certification, integrated into this program, is specifically based on our unique nutrition coaching methods acquired from over 250,000 client appointments as practitioners.

These have been designed through years of real-world experience, blended with the latest cutting-edge scientific research.

It is not a run-of-the-mill nutrition certification. It’s designed to help you get results immediately whilst ensuring your clients progress safely and effectively.

Clean Health - Fat Loss Transformation Secrets For Personal Trainers

Designed for the very serious fitness enthusiast or physique / bodybuilder competitior this course gives the information and tools needed to dial in that last bit of fat loss or to get you at your peak for a show.